Illumination One – How A Greenhouse Works


Executive Summary of Illumination

  • I show what current greenhouse theory is and how it is taught.
  • I show how a greenhouse really works
  • I elaborate on how the false teaching is the first step in brainwashing people into believing a lie. My teaching is a necessary step in being able to repel the lies.

1.1 Current False Teaching of How a Greenhouse Works (Radiation)

Understanding how the basic tenet of the supposed “Greenhouse Effect” is being mis-taught is an essential first step in understanding how it is that you are being lied to on a global scale.

When you know that greenhouses do not work because of “trapped radiation” then you know that you have no need to pay “greenhouse gas taxes”.

If you believe that a greenhouse gets warmer because of back radiation then you are wrong and I will explain to you how greenhouses really work, they work due to convection and only convection.

The educational establishment, teaches greenhouse effect wrong from first principles and it just goes to show how little they and the Carbon Alarmists, whom all do nothing much other than bang on about the devastating effects of Carbon Dioxide actually know.

They then go on to claim that global warming, is caused by greenhouse gases is a man-made threat and how this in turn drives devastating climate change which will one day wipe us all out. How many years have they been predicting the end of the world now?  I’m actually not sure, it’s been so long.  And the people that spout off about greenhouse gases, tend to be the same people that espouse higher taxes for a whole host of other reasons too.  They like to mix it all up together, by making false links.  Such as when a drought happens in one part of the world, they will say “Man-made climate change” in order to make you feel like you did something wrong and now you need to make up for it.

As one example in the year 2000 David Viner, whom worked for the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) at the University of East Anglia, told the U.K. Independent that

“Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past” and that snowfall will be “a very rare and exciting event.” (UK Independent 2000)  This one story that has been viral on the internet for a few years, but it goes to show the level to which Climate Alarmists, with their Frizzle Frazzle of non-sense science will go to deceive people into pretending that CO2 causes climate change.

Yet, nearly twenty years later, were all still here, the world hasn’t ended and we still occasionally get snow in winter.

Their pay packets depend upon this act of deception, they need to publish stories, articles and pretend scientific papers of spurious nonsense or else their government funded grants will dry up. So I put it to you that you should stop paying their wages.  They offer nothing in return for the money, so why waste it?

But the thing is, all these scientists, with all their knowledge, their maths, their diagrams and relentless media coverage, how can they possibly be wrong? And more importantly, how do you go about showing to them that they are wrong.  How do you show them up for the Charlatans and frauds that they are.

You need to know that “Greenhouses DO NOT work because of Back Radiation.”

Diagram 1.1 Supposed Greenhouse Effect

False Greenhouse Effect


You may have seen a diagram like this or one similar; sometimes they use one which shows the atmosphere instead of a greenhouse. It is still wrong.

This is the sort of backwards drivel which is being taught to students worldwide. You should be aware that this is a non-sense.  As you will realise by end of the next Illumination, the presence of the greenhouse, actually exhibits a cooling effect on the surface, because it draws energy through conductance from the ground and then emits that outwardly, its emissions have a cooling effect on the ground.  An effect you will not notice on Earth but one you would notice when you put the greenhouse in space, as I will show in Illumination Two.

The current “completely wrong 97%” consensus theory goes something along the lines like this:-

  • Visible solar energy warms up the ground passing unabsorbed through the transparent glass.
  • The ground emits infra-red radiation.
  • The infra-red radiation is sent out into space.
  • The glass blocks this, is warmed by the infra-red, and in becoming warmed, returns a portion of IR back to the surface that otherwise wouldn’t have been returned, hence increasing internal temperatures of the greenhouse.
  • They then say, this is the “Greenhouse Effect”

There is a multitude of mistakes with this description of events and this multitude of mistakes, repeat themselves through the entirety of greenhouse gas theory.

Firstly, it wrongly assumes that the glass is acting as a source of heat to the ground, it cannot be a source of heat to the ground, because the greenhouse is contact with the ground and it is cooler than the ground. It is being warmed by the ground.  Therefore because heat transfers from a hot source to a cold source, and heat transfers from hot to cold.

Secondly, the frame and glass of the greenhouse conducts heat, away from the ground and this can only act to make the ground cooler.

To think that the cold glass is making the ground warmer because of radiation is like saying standing beside a fire, and then saying that you’re making the fire warmer, because your skin radiation is going back to the fire. That’s just plain ridiculous.

When I have made this point to “Frizzlers” in the past, they tell me, that I don’t understand thermal dynamics of radiation, unfortunately for them I do. I know it precisely which is how I know they are wrong, I can do Mechanical Thermodynamics of radiation maths.  And yes, I have had Frizzlers tell me I warm the fire.

Photo 1.1Do you think my hand is warming my fire?

Fire PicIs my hand really warming this fire? Or is the fire warming my hand?

1.2 How A Greenhouse Actually Works (Convection)

This was postulated as being wrong in 1909 by Robert R Wood. ”Note on the theory of Greenhouse” P319.  Professor Wood said “I have always felt some doubt as to whether this action played any very large part in the elevation of temperature. It appeared much more probable that the part played by the glass was the prevention of the escape of the warm air heated by the ground within the enclosure.”

Quite often, when you tell alarmists, that their greenhouse theory is wrong, they will then follow up a lie with another lie, telling you that “well they know that it is wrong but they are talking in metaphors.” In other words, that they know greenhouse gases don’t act like greenhouses, but they don’t care and are going to continue teaching lies anyway.  A totally non-scientific attitude and an outlook which has no integrity and tells you a lot about the people whom profess that we should all restrict our CO2 emissions.  And by we, they mean “YOU!”  Why teach something wrongly, why not teach it correctly from the start?  I didn’t learn how to drive by sitting upside down in the driver’s seat.  Why do they subject their students to drivel?  Brainwashing, that’s why!

And besides, this the OECD definition of the greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect is the warming of the earth’s atmosphere caused by a build-up of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse or trace gases that act like a pane of glass in a greenhouse, allowing sunlight to pass through and heat the earth but preventing a counterbalancing loss of heat radiation” (OECD, 2017)

It is a completely wrong definition and they are using this falsehood to determine policy worldwide. And this will change.  Young people whom have been subjected to these lies are pre-disposed to paying higher taxes and restricting their energy consumption, they are also easier to control, this is their aim.  I have no trust in such people at all.  And I believe that when the peoples of the world realise that they have been lied to, they will be angry and so they all should be.

And the plan, from the UN down is to tax people based on Carbon Dioxide emissions. Here is a quote from the World Bank. Why Price Carbon?” Climate change is one of the greatest global challenges of our time. It threatens to roll back decades of development progress and puts lives, livelihoods, and economic growth at risk. & “means action now. Carbon pricing is an essential part of the solution” (World-bank, 2017).  Taxation is the true agenda.  This is the driving force behind the worldwide fraud that is the fake science of the “climate change.”  “Saving the planet” is a front, a pre-text for taking your money.

Fake climate science is all just ONE BIG LIE. Adolf Hitler used this technique and referred to it in his book Mein Kampf.In this they proceeded on the sound principle that the magnitude of a lie always contains a certain factor of credibility, since the great masses of the people in the very bottom of their hearts tend to be corrupted rather than consciously and purposely evil, and that, therefore, in view of the primitive simplicity of their minds they more easily fall a victim to a big lie than to a little one, since they themselves lie in little things, but would be ashamed of lies that were too big.”  (Mein Kampf, 1925) Adolf Hitler used the big lie to twist stories against the Jews and deceive his people.  The lying leaders of the world have adopted Adolf Hitler’s sickening approach to brain washing the public and have adopted “THE BIG LIE” to repress their populous, fleece them of wealth and force them to buy products they don’t need.  Tell them to stick it.

This is what is going on. There is a gigantic industry built up around Climate change and the left leaning communist minded liberal Elite classes want to lord it all over you, the plebe peasant. The threat isn’t real, it’s all just made up and they know it.  So should you.

So, how does a greenhouse actually work when it is present within an atmosphere?

Diagram 1.2 How a Green House Actually Works – Convective Currents


Convective Cooling of the Surface, causes warming of the air as it contacts the ground. The air inside a greenhouse is subjected to a powerful convection current.  This means that air which is touching the surface of the warmed floor has heat conducted to it from the floor, cooling the floor but warming the air.  This causes this bottom layer of air to warm, as it warms, its density decreases because gases expand when they are warmed because they have more energy.  This causes the air to rise within the greenhouse and cooler, denser air above it to drop.

Just imagine pouring some oil and dropping a coin into a bottle of water. The dense coin falls to the bottom but the less dense oil, floats on the top, this is what is happening inside the greenhouse.  This cooler air drops to be in-contact with the floor, which in turn gets warmed, rises and continues the cycle.

The first lot of air, which was warmed, when it falls back to the surface, is warmer than when it first started the cycle, it is warmed again, but to an even higher temperature than before and it is this process of heat cycling which causes the temperature of the air to rise dramatically within greenhouses.

This convection current helps spread warm air around the greenhouse and transfers heat to all the objects within the room, including the external surfaces, these external surfaces prevent the air from escaping the greenhouse.

If there was no roof to the greenhouse, the warm gases would escape and the greenhouse would rapidly cool-down, in fact this is a known method of cooling a greenhouse, you just open up the vents and feel the temperature drop.

This process is also occurring outside the greenhouse, however, outside the greenhouse there is no barrier preventing the air from rising, so the air rises miles high and so cools much more before it comes back down again. Inside the greenhouse however, the air only rises a short way, before cycling back down.  This is why the air inside the greenhouse is much warmer than the air outside a greenhouse.

This is how a greenhouse works, thermal radiation from the glass plays no part in warming the greenhouse and as you will see in the next Illumination, thermal radiation emitted from the glass acts to cool the surface, not warm it.


Greenhouses work because of trapped Convection currents not trapped radiation.

Do not let anyone tell you otherwise, they are lying to you if they do. Do not let them teach your children this, they are lying to them, to deceive them, tax them and control.

Most of all do not trust them, demand to know why you are being lied to and tell your local politician that you’re not happy with being made to pay Carbon Taxes when you know the greenhouse effect is a lie.

I hope this helps put you on the right path and helps you start to see how you have been misled, by the left leaning educational establishment. They do this to disempower people, they do this to disempower you.

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